Arizona Republicans call on GOP candidate to withdraw for misrepresenting military service to politics – 217 points –
Arizona Republicans call on GOP candidate to withdraw for misrepresenting military service

Isn't this illegal? The Stolen Valor Act of 2013 prohibits false claims of earned military awards and medals if the intent involves tangible benefits. Obtaining public office is one such benefit, isn't it?

Haven't you heard? Republicans don't give a fuck about the law

It's the DOJ that would determine whether to prosecute. Almost surely there is a policy of not arresting sitting members of Congress, there are valid reasons for this. But if Congress expels him like they should... free game for the DOJ there.

Almost surely there is a policy of not arresting sitting members of Congress, there are valid reasons for this.

That's not true at all, ask Bob Menendez.

He's a senator isn't he?

Yes, and the Senate is one of the two houses of Congress. Senators don't get treated any differently than Representatives in this respect. They get some protection from the Speech and Debate clause, but only for things they say while deliberating.

Does any anyone know the actual accusations? There's no meat here just the allegation. How was his DD-214 altered? What service did he ascribe to himself? What awards. As the husband of a Soldier, these things are important.

Edit to add: they really need to update their stock photo, the Army hasn't worn that uniform in years.

Apparently you can get away with just about anything in the GQP, save for stolen valor.