Stack Overflow's CEO doesn't understand Stack Overflow to – 212 points –
Stack Overflow's CEO doesn't understand Stack Overflow

I really want to make a "closed as duplicate" joke about yet another billionaire being stupid and tanking their site.

The Stack Overflow user interface doesn't understand Stack Overflow if "closed as duplicate" is so common. A wiki would have been better instead of a Q&A site

if we (re)build it. they will come. these new iterations should be community driven and without a board or CEO to discuss the idea with.

At this rate, this AI bandwagon will ruin a whole lot of our beloved places.

The real problem is honesty of the users and rewarding system. Why do people copy and paste answers from chatgpt? Or even spend time to create bots? Because there is some kind of reward for them. The reward is what needs to change. The reward is the driving force to "cheat". Why are these people doing it? What's the reward they are after? I have no idea. But there is the problem to solve

Why not make the text even harder to read on mobile, will you?

What's wrong with it? It's a bit of a small font perhaps, but works on mobile. Alternatively you can use the "reader" mode in your browser.