Campaign collects €30,000 for homeless Amsterdammer who returned lost wallet with €2,000 to – 184 points –
Campaign collects €30,000 for homeless Amsterdammer who returned lost wallet with €2,000

Her thumb blends in with her face so it looks like he's about to get decked.

Campaign collects €50,000 for homeless Amsterdammer who was punched in the face after a campaign collected €30,000 for him after returning lost wallet with €2,000

“But yeah, I don’t know whose money this is. Maybe someone saved it for their child. Maybe it belongs to someone who really needs it,” Al-Ali said

When individuals are more honest than their societies.

I really don't get this shit...

Reminds me of kids working OT to pay off friend's lunch debt.... clown society

Never heard of the term but YES!

Since most people don't click links:

The orphan-crushing machine is luckily just a metaphor for the way media tends present the stories in which a person remedies the effects of sociopolitical injustice as "heartwarming" without questioning why said injustice exists in the first place. The metaphor satirizes these stories by comparing them to a person raising money to keep 200 orphans from getting crushed while nobody questions why an orphan-crushing machine exists and runs in the first place.

The orphan-crushing machine can also be interpreted as a metaphor for late-stage capitalism, where useless products and infrastructure can be produced with the single purpose of further inflating business numbers and creating jobs.

Good old pookleblinky - really sad I haven't been able to follow them since I jumped ship at Twitter.

Sorry what exactly is it that you don't get? That people would show empathy and help this guy out?

you got a lot of growing up and learning to do.

Oh look, you're smart enough to understand that reasoning about your ridiculous statement would undermine it. Maybe there is hope.

and you are still missing the point here

Says the guy who contributed nothing of value.