How do I create a community on iOS? to Ask – 8 points –

I’m a trash iPhone only user for Lemmy, but at least I’m not a redditor. I’m using wefwef currently but open yo new suggestions. Trying to start a red rising community.

Edit: formatted into a question and specified app


This is "ask Lemmy", what is the question?

In most of the world, Apple products are seen as being for old people , or people who are... emmmmm.... not too bright

This post is quite normal

While you're not incorrect for some parts of the world (namely the richer ones, in poor parts of the world buying overpriced things often still is seen as a statue symbol) that doesn't change that he's not asking a question in ask lemmy.

Which app are you using? It would be best to post in the community for that app

You can do it with the web interface of your instance if your app doesn't have the option.

Click on trending, and there is your create community button.

The hatred on Lemmy towards anything that’s not Linux is obscene

I agree, but this guy is not stating a proper question in an ask-community, but also not giving any information that will help us trying to answer his question, like what app he is using.

Yep. Super fair. Wefwef is the app but I’ll see if I can get a web version to work. “Click on trending helped”

I feel like I'm reasonably tolerant towards GNU Hurd.