WhY iS tHe SeRvEr DoWn

Forester@yiffit.net to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 309 points –

For the love of Christ, back your shit up before you fuck with it.

Also: Move stuff, don't delete it. It's faster to restore from a renamed folder than from backup.

I seriously hope you don’t work with people like this.

Oh, one of our customers' users deleted the /var directory on one of the servers we provided to them, because it was "taking up too much space on disk". That's where Postgres saves its DBs as well; wiped out weeks of work in production for them. This hits very close to home.

I forgot to make a backup of a really complicated docker-compose.yml file yesterday, so I got to spend my Saturday reconstructing it

First thing to do with the bare metal server is enabling ufw via ssh and then asking someone to hard reboot it in the hopes, it wasn't saved...

"Duh! Of course we need root access!"