Villain rule to – 216 points –

To me the best stories are where I don't agree with the "good" guy, but can understand his point of view. And at the same time I don't agree with the "bad" guy, but can also understand his point of view.

This trope, like how the Addams Family does it, has always really bothered and confused me. Like if the characters followed it to it's logical conclusion, it wouldn't make any sense at all, and I just can't get over that. I don't know how to explain what's logically wrong with it, I wish someone would like write a tvtropes page about it

Isn't that the whole thing with shows like The Addams Family? You're not supposed to think that deeply about them or attempt to apply logic. The illogic lends to the humor.

Yeah that's definitely my problem, I just can't seem to resist overthinking it 😅

I think the absurdity is part of the joke, but you sound like me in that you enjoy your fiction in an incredibly literal way. I remember being into cartoons as a kid and needing grounded explanations for everything even though the characters' lives essentially reset every 30 minutes.

I only smile in the dark
My only comfort is the night gone black
I didn't accidentally tell you that
I'm only happy when it rains
-- Garbage

I automatically read that sentence in AoStH Robotnik's voice. I don't know if he ever even said that, he's just the ultimate example of the Card-Carrying Villain in my mind.