[Hyprland] Neon Leaves

299792458ms@lemmy.zip to Unixporn@lemmy.ml – 213 points –

It's not much but it's honest work


Give wallpaper, please?

Here are the images if you don't want to follow OPs link to download a zip file.

Uh you don't need to download a zip file already

Oh ok, well here are the images with no effort needed on your part. I'm sorry I've done wrong and needed correcting.

Oh wow, love the colors of the wallpaper. I wonder if I could achieve the same thing with my plants.

Damn, cleannn. How did you get everything to have translucency, I only have it for my terminal emulator and bar

Hyprland has an integrated feature that can control opacities of windows. It is pretty neat.

Does that make the entire window have a lower opacity i.e. the text too? If so, do you find it distracting?

Yes, but only you lower the opacity beyond certain point. If you want to keep the text opacity but change the background you can use alacritty(which I used before foot) and set the the background opacity in its configuration file. Anyway I have every background set to a dark tone and a conservative 0.9 opacity does not change much the text relative to our perception, one will not even notice unless someone told you.

What is the software with that graph that looks to be for your notes or something? In image 3

I think it's Logseq. Pretty good for taking notes.

Correct! It is Logseq. Which is basically Obsidian but foss. :)

Tried looking in your .config files but couldn't find that weather app. Do you mind providng the name?

Also the neofetch? You're using?

Clean! I'm setting up hypr on NixOS rn in a VM to get my settings right before I migrate.

Definitely going to take a deeper look at your dot files.

The app is called Mousam, just checked on NixOS' repo and it is there. :) Oh and please tell me how your setup go, I have been interested on NixOs and Void and been taking notes on the quirks I might encounter. And I would appreciate if you would share your config too if that is not a problem.


Unfortunately I don't have it on github or anything yet, since I'm just a week into it.

Started with KDE plasma 5 nixos base to see how it looks. Then swapped to hyprland with a few entries into configuration.nix

Forgot to mention that Images might be shifted towards the red spectrum because of gammastep.