Which are your favourite bookmarklets/user scripts?

Achyu@lemmy.sdf.org to Firefox@lemmy.ml – 37 points –

Especially ones that you find useful on android Firefox, as they seem to be less popular?

Recently got to know about bookmarklets due to a thread here in this community itself:
^An unrelated question: Is there some way to link comments so that they are automatically opened in home instances for eveyone, like how we can link communities and usernames currently?^

Some interesting/useful bookmarklets that I know of:

  1. Bullshit.js as mentioned in that link
  2. dotepub. It does say that data is sent to their server.
    For some sites it's better than the inbuilt save as pdf option.
  3. A bookmarklet that opens the current site in G-translate
  4. Saw a bookmarklet which works like reader mode.

The freecodecamp article on bookmarklets maybe useful for those new to it(It helped me). It seems cool.
https://wiki.greasespot.net/User_Script_Hosting links to sources for userscripts. Most of them seem to be desktop-centric.

Which are your favorites? Any cool ones that you have made on your own?


The most used one I have is Kill-Sticky. Works well but annoying to have to click my bookmarklet every time I visit a stackexchange site now with the google login crap AND the cookie banner. Else I can't read the actual damn content of the site.

The most convenient userscript for me is this one that automatically likes YouTube videos. It's configurable to be able to: like the video after a specified watch percentage, ignore already disliked videos, only like videos from subscribed channels, and ignore livestreams. I like it enough that I've made a few pull requests to fix it when YouTube changes their UI.

When I have the time, I work on an in-progress local version to implement a few new features including: (1) Support for the YouTube shorts UI. (2) An option for a notification/toast to appear when the video has been liked. (3) An option to check the watch percentage continuously (mutation observer) instead of a user-defined poll rate which sometimes misses liking very short videos in playlists. Eventually I'd like to port something like this as a YouTube ReVanced patch.

I did a quick user script with Tampermonkey to search torrents links from torrents-csv.com of movies when I'm navigating to themoviedb.org . Not sure I can share it but it was really fun to develop and really useful for me.