Out for a bit, be back soon-ish...

jordanlund@lemmy.worldmod to World News@lemmy.world – 65 points –

Currently sitting in an ER so expect me to go silent for a bit.

Long story, my car got hit and ran(? runned?) and I went out to check the damage... stupidly barefoot... and managed to cut up both of my feet pretty good.

The other mods have been notified and will be making sure things don't go off the rails, they're just quieter than I am. :)


This is clearly US Internal News and not World News.

Take care and get well soon.

I don’t think it’s the right place for this kind of message (or you just open a pandora box of totally not related world news from everybody for everything). .

But good luck for your recovery! You should have watched Die Hard and learnt from John McClane than going barefoot around glass and metal is not a good idea...

Thanks for moderating and get well soon!

Wow, k, bye, didn't know this was your personal blog.

...or you could be nice to someone who just had something really awful happen to them. Even if you don't like the fact that they posted something about it.

That would be the courteous thing to do. And the civil thing.

I wish people didn't think the internet gave them an excuse to break the social contract.

But this is the internet, we need to be dicks to each other! It’s similar to natural stuff, like Physics you know.

Are we also allowed to post our own personal trouble on here or will that get us banned? Rules for thee???

I doubt you’d get banned, it would probably just be deleted unless you kept doing it. But this isn’t just some random guy’s blogpost, it’s ostensibly an update from the moderation team to let us know that we might see more posts and comments that probably should get deleted sticking around for longer. It’s just a single post, it’s not like some kind of self-promotion or anything, you can scroll right past it.

It’s pinned to the top. They have a discord. They can message privately.

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