Vegan influencer Zhanna Samsonova ‘dies of starvation’ after trying to live off an all fruit diet. to – 1 points –
Vegan influencer 'dies of starvation' after trying to live with all fruit diet

A VEGAN influencer is feared to have died of starvation after attempting to live on a fruit only diet. Zhanna Samsonova, 39, previously told how she spent four years eating and drinking just fruits…


You missed an important part of the headline "is feared to have..."

It says she caught a "cholera like" infection

Yeah. It's The Sun and they put 'dies of starvation' in quotes. They are presenting rumors as facts (again).

Ah, thank you. Was very confused and I am relieved to find that eating food of any kind still does not cause the body to starve. Although honestly, in this damn timeline, i would just shrug at this point

I am relieved to find that eating food of any kind still does not cause the body to starve.

Except it does when you eat nothing but carbs and fiber with little to no fat and protein. You can be vegan all you want, but ignoring basic nutrition will always result in disaster.

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A VEGAN influencer. Thanks for making that really clear.

this has nothing to do with being vegan. please stop.

She was a vegan promoting vegan diet online. How does that 'have nothing to do with being a vegan'? what?!

Any vegan with half a brain knows that you need more than just fruit to be healthy. Assuming her death by infection is a result of her diet (which is possible, but we don't know that), she died of being an idiot, not a vegan.

If she starved or died due to complications from her diet, if she wasn’t able to stave off an infection for example or recover properly from an illness that would not affect an otherwise healthy individual - I would say her diet or nutrition lifestyle is germane to the situation.

I believe that being vegan is a perfectly valid lifestyle and dietary choice but also people should be aware of some of the pitfalls.

Can you please elaborate why you feel that being vegan has nothing to do with it?

Because the overwhelming majority of vegans aren’t eating nothing but fruit? Come on dude you can’t actually be this dense.