Threads Has Lost More Than 80% of Its Daily Active Users to – 193 points –
Threads Has Lost More Than 80% of Its Daily Active Users



I'd argue that the initial sign up week people should not be classified as "daily active users" Lots of people will check something out when it launches, I'd only start measuring actual usage after a month or two.

exactly what I was thinking. That big starting number is misleading at best.

And 80 percent of over 100 million users is still 20-30m active users.

You're bad at math (or more likely bad at wording things properly), 80% of 100million is 80 million....

The article says 80 percent of the users left. If you had more context, you would have got what I said.

Yeah. Really those "DAU" numbers should be rolling average numbers per month, because there's far too much user variability even week to week for any data to be reliable.

Threads is on track to earn the title of "most actively dropped social network".

Any downfall of Meta (former Facebook ) is a victory for FOSS community, internet and mankind as a whole. One of the heads of the Hydra Big Tech.

inb4 they federate and tell their investors all the fediverse users are theirs

We wouldn't even move the amount by a percent

I signed up to it from instagram to track my favorite epidemiologists and h5n1 only to discover it has no hashtag system to look up trending topics and most of my favorite epidemiologists aren't even on it. So it's worthless for even following COVID, avian flu, and probably every other news topic.

I thought it was explicitly anti-news and politics?

Ah well that would be why it's completely pointless to me. Since all science is politicized now, I guess there is no reason to use it.

Being attached to Instagram is really the only reason it took off imo. Of course all the normal Insta users are going to at least try it out because it's so "easy" to sign up.

must be sort of a wake up for all of the platform owners to see the user base be so fluid like that.. like any of them could get flushed down a toilet at any moment..