New Toejam & Earl ROM Hack Revives Classic Mega Drive Game to – 62 points –
New Toejam & Earl ROM Hack Revives Classic Mega Drive Game

BillyTime!Games has released a new ROM hack for the Mega Drive/Genesis, revitalizing the classic 1991 action roguelike Toejam & Earl.


This was one of my first videogames. I wouldn't call it a good game, but it's certainly a vibe. I never did beat it.

You wouldn't call it a good game?????

............Well I wouldn't call YOU a good game! (wait, that doesn't actually make sense.....dammit!)

I loved it. Never finished it too though. Lots of silly fun coop.

This was one of the games of all times. Multiple very interesting design choices in this one which we no longer see today

I never got to play it back in the day, there was always something else more interesting to buy/rent. Will have to try it one day.