The planet the Democrats live on sounds nice to politics – -58 points –
The planet the Democrats live on sounds nice

With a million new COVID cases per day in the US, Democrats celebrate their "victory" over COVID at their massive indoor superspreader event with zero mitigations


Cringey post, cringey comment. Echo chamber vibes from you

Many that went to the DNC have shared on social media that they tested positive for COVID in the last few days. It's not cringe. COVID is surging higher than the last 2 summers.

Edit: here's where I live in Los Angeles...

COVID now isn't what COVID was during the initial outbreak. Current mutations are significantly less lethal. Between the vaccines and the fact that almost everyone has had it at least once by now, we are far more prepared to handle it. It's still something that should be taken seriously, but it's also well into the endemic phase. This is the steady state where humanity will have to coexist with COVID indefinitely, not the pandemic where talking about "super spreader events" is reasonable.

The latest strain is taking people longer to recover from than the previous strains. My co-worker who has had COVID twice before said this was the worst one he's experienced. "Felt like I got run over by a truck multiple times".

Free at-home COVID testing program restarting as officials prepare for fall, winter season Officials said the website to order tests will come back online in September.

The DNC's surprise guest was COVID.

A thread...

Not surprising to me. Politicians everywhere want COVID to be over, but it isn't.

The pandemic is over. Now it's endemic, significantly less lethal, and our own immune systems are better prepared. That doesn't mean we shouldn't take it seriously, but it's not the same situation we faced in 2020.

Unfortunately most of the world isn't even taking it seriously anymore. People treat it like it's a mild flu or common cold.

The virus is still producing waves of infection consistent with the pandemic phase of spread rather than the endemic phase and has not moved into a seasonal pattern like the flu or colds. It's just not publicised in the media. Scientific studies show that Omicron was just as lethal as the original Wuhan strain and the current Omicron subvariants are similar - the virus has not actually gotten less severe as hoped (and in the case of Delta, it actually got more severe; thankfully that lineage did not give rise to the variants we now face).

The only difference between 2020 and now is that we have vaccines, but people need to keep up to date with the boosters. The efficacy of vaccines to prevent severe illness and hospitalisation wanes quickly, with a recent study showing it can be as low as 50% after four months.

We also know that the risk of long COVID is cumulative - i.e. it goes up with each infection and the increase in likelihood depends on whether you're up-to-date with the vaccine (having the most recent booster roughly halves the increase in risk from an infection). A recent study estimated that 400 million people now suffer from long COVID at an annual cost of $1 trillion to the global economy. This will only continue to get worse if people continue to catch COVID every year or two.