Do you think gta 6 will have better story than rdr2? to – -11 points –

I personally like Bonnie and Clyde stylr but I don't think it will impress so much like rdr2


Honestly no I don't. Red dead 2 was amazing but I would love to be wrong.

Honestly found the rdr2 story forgettable, had a lot of fun with the individual missions though. I dont expect a great story from gta6, just a massive open world with lots of stuff going on.

I think it'd be safe to expect a very well crafted depiction of Florida. A lively sandbox just brimming with weird shit.

This is what Im excited for. Can't wait to explore

For sure. It'll leave the likes of 2077 and Starfield in the dust, and it'll be performant without the need of TAA or other patchwork bullshit.

I'd be curious if they stick to Vulkan on PC since RDR2 later defaulted to it.

Doubtful. The story in GTA 5 was much weaker than in RDR 2, and Rockstar's direction with GTA has been shifting increasingly heavily on multiplayer and micro-transactions. GTA 6 will almost assuredly continue leaning increasingly heavily on multiplayer and micro-transactions.

No. I firmly believe that RDR2 is the best game R* will ever make.

GTA isn't about the story anymore. It's about shark cards. Just a open sandbox for murderhobos.

Lol story. If GTA5 was anything to reference then gta6 won't have a story and you'll be forced to buy sharlcards before the game even gets released.

I found gta5 story boring, and rdr even worse. Nothing about both games could keep me interested. They lost a fan who's been playing since Grand Theft Auto was released, not like they care though.