Pro-Palestine protester stands trial for racial offence over ‘coconut’ placard to Not The – 66 points –
Pro-Palestine protester stands trial for racial offence over ‘coconut’ placard

And they crop the billboard out in the photo so we can't decide for ourselves how bad it is.

Given that this person is being prosecuted for holding up this billboard in public, perhaps the newspaper is erring on the side of caution by not reprinting it!

Coconuts as in "brown and hairy on the outside, white on the inside"?

That's pretty funny lol

I'd heard the slur before, but not the full version of it.

Honestly, telling people they're not "Brown" enough is no different from the race traitor nonsense that gets thrown around sometimes.

Yep. I've been there myself. It's strange being "between worlds" as it were, but I've come to terms and even celebrate my multiculturalness.

hell yeah !

having two legs is better than having only one

This is reprehensible, and it's absolutely right that she is held to account. However, at the same time there are a metric shit ton of politicians in the UK who regularly incite racial hatred for the express purpose of winning votes. Not to mention newspapers. When are we going to deal with them?