I let my younger sis modify my kde desktop.

SaveMotherEarthEDF@lemmy.world to Linux@lemmy.ml – 362 points –

Hour after I come to this, I'm loving it. She modified it so it retains original kde look but has enough tiny details to keep it interesting. She says she'll resume the work tomorrow 🫡


Do you live in a nuclear bunker?

Close. Army housing. It's free so I am not complaining!

You’re gonna need to do a lot of Bent Leg Body Twists to unfuck your spine after using this setup lmao the angulation of these monitors is intense

That monitor on the left will have a bad fall.

Eh, let it fall. I have been wanting to replace that samsung 4k crap that looks worse than 1080p chinese monitors

Username does not check out at all then

You can sell it in the second hand market and save the money. Stonks

You could just send it to me instead of letting it fall... Just a thought.

I think it's very nice to have a sibling who's interested in Linux just like you are.

Well the best thing about it is that she wouldn't even touch linux before this. She's primarily a mac user. But after I dragged her to see my desktop modifications, after 10 eye rolls, she said she could do much better job than me.

Hours later she was still at it, hairs scattered, baffled looking... saying how could someone live with so many choices lol.

The good thing out of this was that now she's starting to see the point of linux after all these years.

Hours later she was still at it, hairs scattered, baffled looking... saying how could someone live with so many choices lol.

Oh man I relate to this so hard hahaha...

Do everything you can to try to preserve those settings, because you will need to do a clean install at some point (well maybe not, I'm sure it depends on your distro), and you're gonna lose all of it.

The power of KDEs customizability is lost of dumb dumbs like me with no sense of user experience. She however seems like the type that can use every bit of it. I love the vibe!

your sis needs to make a dotfile git 😎