X unveils video-centric TV app to rival YouTube - Dexerto

realcaseyrollins@thelemmy.club to Technology@lemmy.world – -4 points –
X unveils video-centric TV app to rival YouTube - Dexerto

Feels like another hate-pushing cesspit to avoid.

If it makes you feel better, losing Brazil for Starlink and Twitter is something Elmo might legitimately never financially recover from.

There's a lot of people in Brazil, they almost all usesd twitter, and it took like 24hrs of not being able to use Twitter before they all started joining bluesky or Threads. Once a social media user tries a new service, they might never come back.

Even if Elmo appoints someone as a Brazilian representative, he's got millions in fines to pay now. And I'm pretty sure that number keeps going up till he pays. But his companies can't exist without Brazil's user base

Can we have a singular day, where this cunt does not appear on the news? Just let him sink, together with his impulse purchases

I'd rather give the suspect/future defendant all the shovel he needs to dig

If will give me hope if this flops, because maybe then the reason people stay with Twitter is the network effect, and not anything actually to do with its rancid owner.

Video hosting in general is not profitable, this is almost certainly not gonna do anything to help Twitter survive, hopefully they'll shoot themselves in foot even more.

Why would this increase costs? I doubt Elon Musk is spending much money on the development of this, and I don't see many people using this app so I doubt it'd hike hosting and bandwidth demands significantly.

I'm pretty sure half of the people on X don't like Elon Musk, or care about him enough to form an opinion on him.

In honor of the grand opening of our latest free speech absolutist platform, XTV will be screening a marathon session of Birth of a Nation


The more real-world ramification of this is that you'll be able to watch alt-right and alt-light news channels on your TV that you otherwise might not be able to, like Real America's Voice. Unless they add Spaces support (which it doesn't seem clear that they did), I don't see another significant use case for this.

I mean, I do wish there were a large competitor to YouTube. But…why this particular asshole.

For me it's not about Elon Musk but the platform itself. For the right winger, X hardly has content that Rumble doesn't have more of by order of magnitude.

Was it intentionally named after the Italian word for "desert" (deserto) because he expects it to be a dried up wasteland, or was it just a coincidence?

I have no idea lol, they mostly talk about topics that are trending on X, Instagram, TikTok, etc.

Upon reading the title again, I now realise Dexerto were just reporting on it... Woo, 420 no-scope!

Gonna leave the original up, let's all laugh at that guy!