chicken rule to – 619 points –

The sad thing is, poor people for Trump could also be in this picture. But there are more than enough voting for him anyway.

Everyone who votes for Trump is poor.

Poorly educated, poorly socialised, poorly raised.

[Sarcasm/Joke] It's definitely my insistence on using women's restrooms that made them poor, so they've got a point there.

[Doubling down hard on sarcasm/joke] That, and the people starving to death standing up in cages that presumably smell horrible because "The Greatest Country In The World" can't afford "luxuries" like soap or space to sit down.

Now that I've made myself angry, does anyone have an update on that whole "we throw everyone we catch being brown into cages and just wait for them to die" situation? Oh nevermind, last few times I looked I couldn't find anything currentish. Sounds like Biden "largely ended" the whole concentration camps thing (internment camps? Happy Fun Camps? I forget what we're allowed to call them without getting jumped on by people who are okay with humans in cages for being a 'wrong' colour) but is, uh... thinking of reinstating it? ( ) Great. Maybe if we do enough evil and treat enough people horribly enough we'll finally be able to go extinct knowing we didn't the best we could.

Sorry, guess you didn't ask for that 🤷‍♀Also I'm glad you're not spez. Fuck that guy.

Some are so desperate because the Democrats didn't help them either so they vote for Trump cause they don't care anymore

Maybe the chickens on to something - mcnuggets definitely don't look like they have chicken in.

And if they did it's not like it's that bad for them to have some chicken in them.

I'm sure it's just a mistake they used actual chicken in them.

I bet any actual chicken in it wanted to to be in, they wanted us to eat them. The weirdos.

I mean, chicken is tasty, maybe we should all eat chicken a bit, even us chickens you know? Why leave the chicken mcnuggets for others?

To be fair, that chicken looks like it gave up on life a long time ago. Maybe it just wants to be nuggets.

It’s a male chick so he might be a little biased. I’m afraid this is one of the spared lucky ones who think “it’s not that hard to be spared, you just need to save on the avocado toast” and “we can’t spare everyone” or “I was spared because I am special and you’re not”

All while ignoring that the only reason he was really spared was because the factory owners daughter picked him off the conveyor belt on the way to the gas chamber.