Boy survives 100ft Grand Canyon fall after dodging tourist photo to – 63 points –
Boy survives 100ft Grand Canyon fall after dodging tourist photo

This article is wild. Sounds like they discharged him after a day, and the parents say they're glad they're taking him home in the front seat instead of in a box.

List of injuries:

9 broken vertebrae

Collapsed lung

Ruptured spleen

Broken hand

That kid ain't seeing the front seat anytime soon, partially because of healing, and partially because that family won't be affording seats of any kind in this lifetime

It's insane that kid walked away without any head injuries.

But those don't sound like unrecoverable injuries. It will cost a fortune, of course, but unless there's some complications those likely won't be lifelong issues. He's incredibly lucky.

Broken vertebrae? Sounds like a lifetime of back pain.

What! I had a spontaneous collapsed lung and was in the hospital for days

Why does the headline say he was "dodging tourist photo" but there is nothing about that in the article. For some reason my brain wants an explanation of that. Was he trying to politely stay out of someone's photo, or was he doing that thing where they don't want evidence that they ever got to go anywhere nice or do anything fun or indeed were even members of the family?

Edit: nevermind, it's there.

It's in the article...

Wyatt told a local television station he had fallen while moving out of the way so people could take pictures.

Unlucky to fall, but lucky to survive

Unlucky to be in the USA

Yeah, now his parents get to feel pain too.

And when he is an adult, he too will be impoverished with a lifetime of medical bills. Our country is broken.

Imagine how nice this place could be if conservatives wanted nice things too.

Hey, if he's "lucky," he can get disability!

I was on disability for two years. I got a grand total of $14,000 after it was determined that 60% of my ability to work would be affected by my (since mitigated) nerve disorder. Apparently being able to work at 40% capacity means I needed to get a job. I'm sure they would have loved me screaming in pain in whatever office.

Also, I got that $14,000 after the fact due to the legal system being so swamped.

Thanks, Republicans.

Wyatt had been at the Grand Canyon on trip with other members of his family, who told KPNX they intended to take a road trip home to replace the memories of the fall.

Ok, everyone! Wyatt broke his back and collapsed a lung. Who wants to see Disneyland?