How come some of my posts get a shit ton of upvotes but others don’t get any rule to – 35 points –

Looking from, it looks like those posts didn't federate. I don't see them on your profile from here but if I look at your account on your instance I see them.

That’s so odd. I don’t get it. /gen

It’s not like and are defederated from each other, because then I wouldn’t be able to post on this sub in the first place, right?

Maybe it’s because I started using Memmy the same day I posted those posts? Idk.

My guess is you posted them while was down. When tried to send the post over it timed out and it never tried again.

But that's only a guess. I would have to actually dig into the federation algorithms and know how exactly is configured to be sure.

I guess. It would also explain why my posts didn’t show up on the other c/196, because is also experiencing outages. Odd that the outages would happen at the same time, though. has been getting DDoS'd. I think it has been having more downtime than

It's definitely not your client, Memmy. If it was the posts wouldn't of made it to The issue is somewhere between and the instances hosting the communities.

I've had posts in my community not show up on when posted, but eventually they do show up. It could take a few days, dunno if that helps

That sounds similar to what I’m dealing with

Still, it would be nice for people to get to see my posts right away so they don’t get buried in newer posts.

Its happened to me. I just delete and repost which makes it work, which seems to mean it shouldnt take that long at all.

I think Lemmy’s sorting algorithms may be a little unstable. It could also be delays introduced by federation. I’ve had posts sitting at no upvotes for several days and then suddenly get a bunch all at once.

Pretty sure the joka one hit frontpage on hexbear. I remember upvoting it at least

Maybe certain posts are shadowbanned. When I go to your profile I can't see half of them

I guess… but why would those specific posts get shadowbanned? I don’t think there’s anything wrong or problematic about them /gen