It is obnoxious that Russia would be invited.
An athlete from Russia would clearly be from Russia still?
It is obnoxious that Russia would be invited.
If you go back to the original Olympic Games in ancient Greece, it would be considered totally normal for countries to be competing peaceably at the Games one week, and slaughtering each other the next week. Funny how the ancient Greeks were more sophisticated, in a sense, than we are in the modern world.
They also competed naked.
Definitely a more sophisticated time.
It reduces the prestige a nation can garner from success at the games. Think about all the soft power Russia accumulated at Sochi with their many wins thanks to their doping program.
How does that give Russia soft power?
It made Russia look powerful and resurgent to the outside world, which attracts other nations into their sphere of influence. It also is a distraction from rights abuses and political retaliation. Here’s an article about Saudi Arabia’s use of sports washing.
That influence is diminished when the whole world is reminded repeatedly that your athletes cannot compete under your flag.