Ukraine war narrative doesn't add up to World – -2 points –

If Ukraine is able to replace or recover damaged vehicles why is Zelensky still asking for more tanks (in Switzerland right now)? I thought the sanctions were going to trigger massive inflation and unrest in the Russian economy and their desire to support the war would disappear. I thought the Russians were out of ammunition last year and now they're bombing relentlessly. I though their morale was so low they were going to capitulate when this attack happened, yet their first main line of defensive trenches hasn't yet been touched. If Ukraine morale is high and Russian morale is low why are Ukrainians surrendering or refusing to fight on the front lines?

Austin told us all that he had high expectations for the counter-offensive two days before the Pentagon leaks revealed there were actually low expectations. Why believe the boy who already cried wolf, especially when his words don't align with reality? There's been too much lying. The war is costing too much in terms of tax payer dollars and Ukrainian lives. This Biden administration is stuck is a sunk cost fallacy and needs to stop.


@IvanSkooby1, Ukraine didn't start this war, and Ukraine isn't the one continuing it. They have to fight or they'll lose their freedom and self-determination. Look again what happened in Bucha, where Russian forces had control.

Simply rolling over and letting Russia win won't save Ukrainian lives, it'll cost a lot more of them.

The only way this war ends is if Russia leaves, or loses. Any alternative goes against everything the USA and the west stand for.

You said the quiet part out loud, this is a proxy war and you can't openly admit it, lol.

Quiet part? It isn't obviously a proxy war? If anyone could have joined the war openly, like they did pre-nukes, a lot of western countries would. Doesn't make the war any less real for the Ukrainians, and doesn't excuse Russia's invasion in any way.


They stopped pretending!

Yes, this is a proxy war. The USA has enough firepower to defeat Russia in a non-nuclear battle (in which case it would be a tie) but they're intentionally leaking weapons at a slow rate to prolong the war.

It's not a sunk cost fallacy. We cannot let Russia run rampant over other sovereign nations. Make no mistake, there is 0 legitimate reason for them to be fighting Ukraine. Letting them do so sends the message to them that we are all talk no show, and also shows China the same thing.

However, we've lucked into a great situation. Ukraine fought back fiercely; the US can just proxy war Russia through money now. No cost of human life, we aren't exactly going balls to the wall in sending equipment either. The EU gets the same benefit.

Also, I don't know what you mean by the war is costing too many Ukrainian lives. RUSSIA INVADED UKRAINE. It isn't on the US to stop donating to force the Ukrainians to roll over and accept it? In what world do you tell the citizens to just lie down and take it for their own good? That's the most asinine thing I've seen.

So what’s your solution? Should the Ukrainians surrender and become a Russian vassal?

Yes. Dude literally said it's costing too many Ukrainian lives.

To defend their country from their aggressor. Guaranteed this dude is from lemmygrad...

I had hoped it would take a while for the copium huffing ruskies to arrive on this site, looks like they're already here.

So if your country's neighbors decide to murder you and abduct your kids, what would you like the rest of the world to do?

You are not "the world", it's just you and your group of white first world imperialists friends, samo, samo.

I guess the list of countries providing aid to Ukraine didn't fit your narrative?

Then show also the map of countries aiding Russia, if by "aid" you mean selling stuff to a country. I think even Europe would be blue by that logic.

Selling does not count as aid and it's not the meaning behind the map. Feel free to check out the related Wikipedia article.

The government of Russia is still committed to this war, and as long as this is the case the sanctions against Russia and the military support for Ukraine just continue.

The fascists should not win this fight.

More tanks are always good.

The sanctions are working. But in a sense of turning Russia into a bigger NK or Iran. They don't have inflation because they immediately restricted capital exchanges preventing any capital flight. They also increased their federal fund rate by a lot, which will prevent inflation but still hurt their economy.

Russia is suffering from ammunition shortages, which is why they are firing much less compared to the start of the war.

Ukraine made more progress in the last two weeks than Russia did in the last 6 months. It was always gonna be hard. Unlike with the Kharkiw counteroffensive Russia expects it and is dug in having built up defence in depth. It was always gonna be hard, specially in the early days. More like how the Kherson counteroffensive went which took over a month of heavy fighting to get going.

I'm not aware of Ukrainians just surrendering and refusing to fight. To me it looks like they are fighting quite effectively so far.

Lastly, if you are actually worried about the loss of Ukrainian live (which I doubt tbh) than maybe, just maybe you should instead support your Biden administration and encourage them to send more material so that Ukrainians can better defend themselves.

Russia wil NEVER by a Iran or a North Korea, this is why precisely the sanctions failed horribly. With the size of Russia, they have a country that can almost autosustain itself, at least in the most basic of things, and they have infrastructure that was built by the Soviets, so they don't have a country with great resources but now way to extract them (like Venezuela with oil, for example). Besides this, the US having sanction half of the Global South at this point doesn't realise that we people from the third world are just going to give a fuck a start trading amongst us. Every step they give it's easier, if Russia didn't have an explicit reason to openly trade with Iran or North Korea, now they have. You're just isolating from the world and the only allies you'll be left off are a decaying Europe with no production and a decrepit fascist Empire, the US.

Russia and China are already trading extensively with NK and Iran and have been for decades lol

Iran also has a well industrialized economy, not unlike Russia and they will look quite similar once the western machinery that is extracting all those resources starts breaking down without being able to be replaced appropriately.

Yes, you read right. All that machinery comes from decaying Europe and the decrepit US.

if you are actually worried about the loss of Ukrainian live (which I doubt tbh) than maybe, just maybe you should instead support your Biden administration and encourage them to send more material so that Ukrainians can better defend themselves.

If you actually care about the loss of any lives (Ukranian and Russian), then you should not support any action which does not immediately end the war. Providing more ammunition causes more deaths (what is ammunition used for? they aren't shooting trees, they're shooting and killing humans). How can you not see how hypocritical it is to suggest that more arms would lead to less death?

If the Russian soldier wants to survive he can just surrender or go home (although he might get shot by their own men).

If the Ukrainian wants to survive, he has to drive the Russians out of his country.

And you are right, I do not care whether the invaders survive or not. They decide to invade their peaceful neighbour to murder and rape the civilian population. Have you all forgotten Bucha already? I have not, and there are hundreds of Buchas in the occupied territories.

Are you seriously telling Ukraine they should just let the Russians genocide and rape them in peace instead of fighting for their survival? That's a sickening take.

If the Russian soldier wants to survive he can just surrender or go home (although he might get shot by their own men).

If the Ukrainian wants to survive, he has to drive the Russians out of his country.

This is nonsense. Russia has not set out to kill every Ukranian. If the Ukranians stopped fighting back, Russia wouldn't kill them all, they'd stop killing them in fact. I don't understand how you think this is one-sided. As long as Ukraine is fighting back, they're contributing to the loss of their own lives.

Are you seriously telling Ukraine they should just let the Russians genocide and rape them

Again, you're acting like the goal is to genocide the Ukranian people. There's literally nothing to indicate this.

I'll say it once more simply, but I doubt you care about logical consistency: Both Ukraine and Russia can end this war by stopping putting anything in to continuing it; as long as a party is continuing, and not stopping the war, that party is in part responsible for the loss of more human lives.

"Yes your Honor, it's her fault I'm raping her. If she'd just consented I wouldn't have to rape her!"

Do you even listen to yourself?