Kept in captive isolation for nearly 53 years, Lolita the orca dies amidst plans for release to – 363 points –
Kept in captive isolation for nearly 53 years, Lolita the orca dies amidst plans for release

According to a statement from the Miami Seaquarium, she died due to a suspected renal condition


Poor animal. Sensitive and intelligent creatures, locked in isolation for this long would drive any human completely insane. WHY are humans such god awful miserable bastards?

I mean... It is Florida. Conservatives fucking hate animals. If they can profit from torturing an animal to death, they will. And they did.

Fuck each and every person involved in this tragedy

Tragic. But at least these places are all finally closing down. Hopefully this never happens again.

…she shared her small enclosure with a male orca named Hugo for the first decade of her captivity. In 1980, Hugo died from a brain aneurysm after an extended period of banging his head against the tank's spectator glass during fits of depression.

We tortured her to death. A slow, lingering death in a tiny prison.