Trans period symptoms? to – 40 points –

I have been getting this sickness roughly around the 20th of each month, and I am starting to wonder is this a period? I usually get nausea and a headache, and I feel like I might be a bit moodier, but this could also be a result of me being sick.


It's a thing! Taking hormones can cause you to get a cycle. I get cramps and a bit of an upset stomach around the same time as my cis partner. It's really interesting.

My trans friend thought she was having her period because she had pain and spotting. It turned out she had a bleeding bladder infection.

Did she think she spontaneously grew a uterus and ovaries, or did she not have sex ed when she was younger? I would assume it would be more common knowledge how menstrual cycles work.

Given how many grown adults think you can hold in your period, that everyone gets their period at the same time, cramps are fake, having sex standing up means you won't get pregnant "cause gravity" (she had two kids and still believed that), tampons are sex toys, periods are sexual and therefore children shouldn't be taught about them..... Yeah, how menstrual cycles work is not common knowledge many places. And yes, I've met people who believe every single one of these things.

I definitely get pms symptoms. They typically resolve after a couple of days of cramps and gastrointestinal symptoms. It was actually my mom that noticed the cyclical nature of these symptoms and said they reminded her of her cycle (before she had her uterus and ovaries removed). So, while I don’t think we get periods per se, I definitely believe we can have period symptoms.

Yeah perhaps. I don't know but I just knew my once a month sickness kinda sucks.