Government shutdown could hinge on fight over ‘woke’ military policies to politics – 73 points –
Government shutdown could hinge on fight over ‘woke’ military policies

The military is strongly behind giving military women and military spouses every avenue toward family planning because to do so keeps enlistment and reenlistment numbers up. Remember that the DOD has historically been the most progressive agency of the Federal Government.

Your second sentence reminds me of this incident that clearly distinguishes the professional, pragmatic attitude of the current military leadership from the culture war bullshit that is endemic in Congress.

I hope the DOD doesn't end up damaged by becoming a political football.

Conservatism is a plague in desperate need of a cure.

Do your part to combat conservatism. Teach your children why it is inappropriate to do business or keep relationships with conservatives. Together, we can marginalize hate by marginalizing haters.

Let it shutdown, and show the Republicans as the fools they are.

Unfortunately everyone suffers and Republicans don't get blamed by their voters when the government shuts down. They just blame the Dems for not negotiating with the terrorists.

Did any of their voters care the last few times they shut the government down?

I didn’t explain myself. Let it shutdown and make counter demands. Demand to change the Antideficiency Act so that budgets can never shutdown the government again. Don’t give in, even if it takes 6 months or more. It will be difficult, but sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. /s

The problem is that Republicans don't care about the destruction this would cause and the livelihoods that would be ruined. Democrats do. That's why Republicans have leverage. They'll shoot the hostage every time.

I'm tired of these republican culture war bullshit all the time.

They're making all these demands because they know they won't be met. Kevin will make a deal that involves getting enough Democratic votes to make up for the Freedom Caucus's votes, they'll pass the budget, then the Freedom Caucus will revolt and we'll have another Speaker election.