Whats the chance of you guys returning to r/196 if the sub comes back?

Xxxthat_emo_kid@lemmy.blahaj.zone to 196@lemmy.blahaj.zone – 7 points –

Im also asking this on TUMBLR to see what the general consensus is


If the r/196 vibe stays here I'm gonna keep vibin here. I'm liking lemmy so far and don't forget: the community isn't the subreddit - we just happened to be on that subreddit. 196 can be anywhere we want baby 🤠

Definitely not going back. Reddit sucked long before this, there just wasn't a big enough alternative.

this is the first i've actually engaged with 196. i knew of it, and visited the reddit a couple times, but it's way more fun to be a part of it here, where everything about this is new and exciting. i'll stick around here for as long as the vibe's good, and if i dip it'll be back into group chats -- not to reddit.

not going back to reddit if i have to use the ad infested, data harvesting, accessibility nightmare that is the official app.

give me apollo or give me death

Honestly have been finding Lemmy and the Fediverse as a whole to be pretty enjoyable so far. It feels nice to be using something that was built through community effort rather than corporate interest.

If reddit actually reverses course on the API stuff, then hell yeah I'm going back. But if the sub just reopens after the blackout without any substantive change, nah I'm staying here.

D: why you go back when you have a non profit community running on free software?

I'm glad reddit is going down because finally FOSS can get the spotlight

I mean, realistically I'll probably stay on both. There are tons of great reddit communities that just don't exist here, at least not yet, and I'm genuinely sad to be losing them. Reddit has been a part of my daily routine for well over a decade now, and that's not something I can just give up easily. I do really like the vibes here at Lemmy, but it's got a lot more growing to do before it can fully replace all the wonderful different niches that reddit was able to fill so well.

Yeah, it's a bit of a wake up call/eye opener for me. Why would I stay on a site that fully adheres to the rule "if a service is free, the user is the product". When there's now perfectly good non profit alternatives. Also, this is why Facebook/Twitter/Google etc need to either stay well away from the fediverse or just get defederated. As soon as they start participating they'll just start taking over and trying to monetize the platform.

@Xxxthat_emo_kid im replying to this post from mastodon just to see how this works, since I heard you can follow lemmy servers/groups and interact with posts from a mastodon account. but yeah if the sub came back id still browse it if I'm still using reddit by then.

Hey I was kinda trying to get to use Mastodon. What instance do you recommend?

Not mastodon (something better), but I recommend mk.absturztau.be or fedi.absturztau.be :3

There’s a high chance I’m staying here. I was part of the Digg migration and this place feels how Reddit used to feel at first. I stopped contributing to the site regularly in 2013 because the size of some communities gave me anxiety and there was a rule for every fucking thing.

prob gonna gradually reduce my reddit usage anyway, but i might check it out periodically

pretty low/nonexistent. i like it here.

Never knew it existed until The Great Lemmy Migration