Republican opposition to abortion threatens global HIV/AIDS program that has saved 25 million lives to – 320 points –
Republican opposition to abortion threatens global HIV/AIDS program that has saved 25 million lives

The AIDS epidemic has killed more than 40 million people since the first recorded cases in 1981, tripling child mortality and carving decades off life expectancy in the hardest-hit areas of Africa, where the cost of treatment put it out of reach. Horrified, then-President George W. Bush and the U.S. Congress two decades ago created what is described as the largest commitment by any nation to combat a single disease.

The program, known as the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR, partners with nonprofit groups to provide HIV/AIDS medication to millions around the world. It strengthens local and national health care systems, cares for children orphaned by AIDS and provides job training for people at risk.

Now, a few Republican lawmakers are endangering the stability of the program, which officials say has saved 25 million lives in 55 countries from Ukraine to Brazil to Indonesia. That includes the lives of 5.5 million infants born HIV-free.


Republicans killing a program instituted by one of their own, that saved millions of lives, is a clear indication of the depths the party has sunk to.

Because they are regressive by nature. Republicans get dumber over time, so what ever smart things they have done in the past doesn't matter. Current GOP/MAGA thinks AIDS is only a gay and black people disease.

It was the one fucking thing George W. Bush did that didn't totally suck. So of course they oppose it.

LOL. Like these guys give a fuck about black Africans.

The real joke is that they don’t even care about Americans regardless of skin color. Sure, they pander to white America. That’s because there’s a lot of them, and they’re dumb enough to fall for it. But republicans don’t care about you or me. I would also like to add that neither do democrats, but at least democrats aren’t actively trying to kill marginalized people. So, I guess they are the best of a bad situation.

These guys will go all out to please their religious partners in taking away womens rights at the expense of everything else.