Desktop Environment/ Window Manager to – 5 points –

I wish someone would make a tiling desktop environment instead of only a window manager to make them easy to use for all without tweaking because they are the future of the DEs.


Theres a gnome extension for tiling.

You can actually tell KDE to use a window manager other than KWin. I've used i3 with KDE like this in the past, and it's pretty good as long as you tweak the i3 config a bit. Somebody wrote a guide here with the necessary config changes.

Little disclaimer: I've not done this in years, but the linked guide was update recently so I believe it should still work ok.

You van use tour favorite windowmanager with tour favorite Desktop. That said, KDE has tiling capabilities.

I personally use the tiling features recently introduced in plasma. For my needs it works just fine.

There is an extention of Gnome called pop-shell that does exactly what you want

KDE has pretty good tiling functionality these days, not much need in using another WM unless you have a very specific workflow in mind

I once saw a video which showed off the built-in Plasma tiling feature and complained that it could not have been developed by a tiling WM user, since it was very inflexible and mouse focused. He could not use it with a keyboard, which kind of defeats the purpose of tiling in the first place.

Everyone’s workflow is different and it could very well be that the plasma tiling features weren’t a good match for the author of that video.

My tiling needs are pretty simple and I rarely use anything more complicated than a vertical split.

There were also major changes in the plasma tiling earlier this year so if that video predates the concerns no longer apply.

You’d probably have to give it a try to see if all the features you need nicely work with a keyboard.

I'm in the same boat. I use tiling more when it has virtually zero visible edge and I just get more overall window space. That's literally all I want tiling for most of the time on any machine. I'm completely content with that.

I'm using Pop_Os! Since 1.5 years and I basically fell in love with it. I was super annoyed with Gnome not having it and KDE being overkill for my personal use. I'm now using Pop_OS! At home and at work and patently waiting for the coming changes that they're doing using Rust :)

You can add the same feature to gnome...