Twitter is Still Throttling Competitors’ Links—Check for Yourself. to – 105 points –
Twitter is Still Throttling Competitors’ Links—Check for Yourself – The Markup

Stop using Twitter. Stop talking about Twitter. Stop publishing articles about Twitter. Stop keeping Twitter relevant.

Unfortunately, twitter was basically "the journalist's social media" so they keep writing about it even if most of their readers don't give a rat's tail

Mr Free Speech Absolutist

Except when it is about me

Except when it is from a competitor

Except when I don't like it

no thanks

Why not?

I don’t use Twitter, but I think it’s good to know. Being able to test it yourself is valuable, too.

I wonder how many other link shorteners do this?

As is thier right. My right is to never ever use his service, not even to check links or get emergency info. Fuck 'em.