Ukraine Gets First Abrams Tanks, Long After Russia Claimed to Destroy One to World – 156 points –

burning ring of fire.. my butthole after eating alot of spicy food

Let's all wish that Putin is dumb enough not to see this as interference so that WW3 doesn't happens.

don't fall for his propaganda...there are no red lines in supporting ukraine

Except the Geneva convention. Breaking that ends badly for everyone, no matter which side breaks it first.

I hate to break it to you, but Russia crossed that particular Rubicon at Bucha and so many other places already. So first place is already taken

My propaganda? You saying "no red lines" is precisely what a propagandist would say, giving absolutes and not considering trade-offs.

At this point I'm not surprised that dumb people don't see through such bullshit. People are dumb, simply put.

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WW3? Russia couldn't even defeat Ukraine lol. Putin would be dead inside of a week if he was ever that stupid.

Why would this be the line to not cross?

You can't kowtow to their threats or they just threaten more to get their way. It's not ww3, it's a stalling tactic.

Putin doesn't want to nuke himself, which is the most likely outcome of him trying to nuke anyone. Nukes are literally the most expensive weapons to build and maintain. Please look at the current maintenance standards of the Russian military, and tell me again how they have working nuclear weapons that they built decades ago, when nuclear weapons have an expiration date that is more like a year or two without maintenance.

Things don't usually develop in the rational way you're thinking of. Multiple times we almost went into nuclear war for much less.

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