New TrueNAS server custom build to – 110 points –

Serves mainly as a NAS, but also as the host for Plex, HomeAssistant and some other stuff.


Fun! I used the exact same chassis for my NAS. Thanks for sharing!

I searched far and wide for the perfect chassis. Silverstone make some awesome stuff.

Yeah, the quality is really good. It's also not cheap. I bought this case mostly because it's rather shallow and did fit into my previous server rack.

I'm now at a point where I should buy another drive cage but I'm a bit hesitant to spend 150€ for it. Well...

Edit: Any reason you decided to go with a non-server mainboard without IPMI and ECC support?

My thoughts exactly! I recon that I’ll probably keep the case the longest of all, out of all those a hardware.

That's awesome. Thanks for posting the pics and assembly.

Jealous! I gotta upgrade mine soon, the hardware is 12 years old and I’m down to 3TB free.

Meanwhile I have less than 3TB total lol

Hey man, it doesn't matter how much you have, it's never enough!

I choose to believe it's 2003 and everyone envies how much storage I have.

My trick is setting a monthly saving for this a few years ago. Today me thanks past me.

Also, I started out with 2x 4TB in raid 1 in my previous server. Or really just an unused desktop with a 1TB disk before that.

My very old HTPC which acted as a home server died a couple years ago and I just never replaced it lol. So my "server"/NAS is well, my own PC. Thankfully my 3800x/32GB RAM doesn't seem to mind too much.

Worst thing is, I'm a senior/lead developer, I'm very familiar with server administration, networking, provisioning and all that stuff. I just... never got around to it, I guess? It's just expensive enough that I don't want to get buyer's remorse. I don't really know what I want lol. I'm thinking Plex (although I want to move to Jellyfin) and Radarr/Sonarr/Lidarr. But also Docker and/or TV a small K8s cluster for personal projects and self-hosting some stuff... basically some general purpose thing?

It’s why I went with TrueNAS. It has built in support for VMs and containers in K3s. So far it’s been super nice. A lot to read up on, but you seem to have the same background as me so it should be fine. I find it fun!

How much did you pay in total?

I haven’t dared summed it up yet. It’s been purchased over a stretch of time. Guesstimating to around €3000.

Ouch indeed! I'm sure you want to run powerful applications to justify the costs :-)

Damn, Red Plus really are the best, so quiet.

I really wished they made them 20+TB (I switched to Exos X20 and was pleasantly surprised with the noise profile ... tho my expectations were preset to low).

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

Fewer Letters More Letters
NAS Network-Attached Storage
Plex Brand of media server package
k8s Kubernetes container management package

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