Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout “will pass” to Lemmy.World – 24 points –
Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout “will pass”

The best thing that can happen is development on Lemmy or other alternatives actually makes progress.

Agreed... I wish I knew Rust!

I also enjoy Datsyuk.

Ah, I see you are a person of great culture as well! I miss the days of watching Datsyuk and Zetterberg... those were far better days for the Wings.

Yes but I also feel like the general trend is upward right now. I've been excited to watch the kids play and see who's coming up next. So it's not all bad... But no, none of the kids are Datsyukian.

Absolutely! The sun is shining, and so is Moritz!

Seider, Larkin, Raymond, Rasmussen (he took a huge step forward last season!), Edvinsson, Kasper, Walman... there's a lot to like on the team right now. Hopefully the playoff drought ends next year!

Unfortunately, he's probably correct. I think a lot of people are just going to cave and download the official app eventually, if they haven't already.

The lazy will.

Yeah, and it's helpful to remember that I don't want the content of the lazy, even if I do hate that the company will still get the $$$.

Hes such an asshole

"Hey guys I know we pissed off a lot of our user base, but don't worry they'll come crawling back despite our assholery!"

Maybe mods will keep more subreddits down indefinitely then.

Hopefully... there's another post on /c/lemmyworld stating that /r/adviceanimals forcibly removed the top moderator.

I'm guessing that they will replace all of the mod teams and forcibly re-open the subreddits.

Oh I am sure they’re going to end up putting back a large number of subs. It’s going to happen. The place will fill up with trash if there aren’t good dedicated mods taking care of things but I’m sure the admins are going to force the major subs to reopen.

I think taking over subs will lead to a chain reaction of other subs blacking out again in protest ad nauseum. Good luck getting enough moderators to fill the void. He'll end up with a smaller number of generic large subs full of mediocre content for people he can more easily monetize; exactly what he wants.

Called it.
Still he's going to end up with a site with lesser quality and mods that will have a harder time to moderate until the supposed new tools actually work (if they actually work).

Honestly? I think 4chan could have a field day trolling in there like they love to do.

Inb4 not your personal army...

But yeah. I feel like spez has earned the wrath of /b, and that's a lotta wrath

I'm guessing that they will replace all of the mod teams and forcibly re-open the subreddits.

Doubt that will go as well as they're expecting it to.

I guess I understand why subreddits cannot be deleted altogether, but BOY it'd be nice to see. Or at least delete all the content before leaving... 👀

It's his self-assuredness that bothers me most. If his attitude towards his community (or product rather) are this bad pre-IPO just wait until after and they have to keep announcing revenue growth to Wallstreet every quarter.

I hope he falls over and hurts his knee.

I accidently ended up on Reddit twice today through Google searches, I'm now adding to all my searches.

Yea but theres so much info on reddit that isnt on lemmy yet. We're so far a pretty small community which is nice. But I think that using reddit to find info on specific topics is fine, but I wont create another account nor will I browse there.

You could also consider using uBlacklist to hide those results.

Add these lines to your blocklist to remove all Reddit results:
