This bike lane

Square to Mildly – 45 points –

Someone forgot that bike lanes should actually have space for a bike. And maybe not cobblestones.

Legally, combined footpath/bike lanes over here should have a minimum width of 2.3m. Between line and tree there is less than 0.8m.


Fucking millennials, first there's too few trees, now there's too many, can't make up their minds, can they. /s

Based fediverse comment section

Most bike lane planners just assume that we can teleport through trees

Get a load of this guy who doesn't have a quantum bike pssh

If I could teleport, I wouldn't bike ;)

Yeah, bike paths always have least priority. Their main point is to show up in the "Our city has X kilometers of bike path" statistic.

This is not mildly infuriating. This is extremely infuriating. But at least you have bike lanes

This is just bike lanes in general, it feels like they're just painted in randomly to shut people up, except they're just not practically useful.

Engineers love painted bike lanes because they are shoulders/“recovery zones” for cars, but they can sell them as bike infrastructure

insert go ahead, die meme here

People park their cars in the bike lanes here 🤬

Two nuns are riding their bikes back to the convent:

Nun1 looks around at the scenery and says "Strange, I've never come this way before"

Nun2 replies, "yeah, it's the cobblestones"

Tree was there first.

Not sure about that. This path was built in 1967. Could be they planted some slim trees and forgot that trees tend to grow.

I refuse to bike on this kind of lane. I just bike on the road, f that.

They have many of these where I live. The worst part is that the police will fine cyclists and scooter riders for riding on the road. So everyone is forced onto the sidewalk where scooters scoot between pensioners, kids, and mothers with strollers. What an idiotic backwards system. Peasants, give way to cars. Fudalistic mentality.

You live in the US I presume?

Here in Lyon, France, the local government is removing car lanes downtown so we get wider bike lanes. Some are not happy about it, but if you look at the number of people passing through at rush hour, cyclists really outnumber cars, and bike traffic is never jammed.