How does a first time community maker find subscribers? to – 43 points –

I just created the ! commuity for football/ real madrid fans and have had a decent number of subscribers in a day. I still dont know how to get more people in tho, especially active members who would post. Yesterday was surprisingly good since I made a post on a bigger football community basically advertising my sub and it was gamenight. Any tips?


Just post to your community, it’ll show up in the new feed and those who browse will see it.

Not me though, filtered that whole instance because I have zero interest in football

But this is the good football, not the american kind :(

That’s a real good way to alienate a huge part of lemmy.

Lemmy needs more beef man. Everyone's too nice here. Just trying to start some drama here

Take that shit back to Reddit.

The main bottleneck for growth for a new community, is the fact that until someone manually subscribes to it from another instance, it's only discoverable on its home instance.

A trick to get over this hurdle is to use a couple alts to subscribe from some other instances, which will then mean more people will see posts from it in all.

Right the federation issues, so making few throwaways sounds like a cool idea.

You should only do this on a couple of the big instances. You shouldn't force a community to federate to everywhere. If someone wants to see it, they'll sub.

And it's not really an issue, it's intended behaviour that makes it so that each instance only federates the minimum needed. It saves on instance traffic and storage.

Ah I know atleast 7 instances it's federated with. Ig i'll just let it take it's natural course

Are you aware of any way to check what instances I'm already federated with. There's 30+ subscribers to the community so idk how many of the major instances are subbed on

Simply try to open the community from that instance. Add the /c/community@instan.ce to the other instances url and see if it opens. If it does, it's already there, if it doesn't, it's not.

Find relevant threads and mention the community in the comments.

If you see posts compiling related communities (ex. Larger Football/soccer comms), you can ask them to add yours.

Post content! Enough people use "local" or "all" feeds that they'll see your community when you post something cool.

Finally, you've already posted in newcommunities, then later on you could also do !