Trump slams Israel days after Hamas attacks: 'I'll never forget Bibi let us down'

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to politics – 44 points –
Trump slams Israel days after Hamas attacks: 'I'll never forget Bibi let us down'

I really wish we could stop treating him like his opinion matters at all at this point

He is viewed as a living god on par with Jesus by Conservatives. That is why he gets so much attention.

I wish I had a shitty god. All I have is back pain and nagging fascism.

I've met a lot that agree he's a dumbass but think he's disruptive enough that it's worth it.

You have to admire Trump's narcissistic skill to make literally anything about himself.

Largest terrorist attack the world has ever seen outside of 9/11, thousands of civilians dead both in Israel and in Gaza?

Why, yes, of course known fraudster and rapist Trump is the true victim here!!

He is a modern version of Dr. Samuel Mudd. He will go down in history as one of the most vile people in America.

I'm not holding my breath, but one would think the media and pundits would eventually have to start talking about Trump's mental fitness rather than Biden's age.

You can literally look back and trace all of the times wackos have tried to get Israel to start their fake armageddon. 2008-2009 and 2014. They just can’t seem to get the timing right because it’s an elite charade.

Fucking weirdos gambling with everyones lives needs to stop today.