Rockstar, Necrosoft and other game devs slam Epic and Songtradr for "trashing" Bandcamp as layoffs announced

Jungle George 🌴 to – 269 points –

Nice to see people stand up for Bandcamp. It's the only good music platform.

For real, I use(d) bandcamp for a good chunk of my music discovery and a not insignificant amount of my album purchases. A lot of small/indie labels provide bandcamp codes with vinyl and cassettes which honestly makes me want to support those labels more as while I like to collect physical releases, I'm 9 times out of 10 going to be listening digitally.

1500+ albums and usually when there's not a $25 shipping charge I buy the vinyl too...this is bullshit. We should create campband or something and let artists have control again.

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Nicklin's colleague and Die Gute Fabrik co-founder Douglas Wilson added that it was "infuriating to watch large corporations gut one of the most valuable communities/services on the internet."

We've been here before. Remember For those who don't, imagine if somebody bought Bandcamp and then deleted all of the music.

eMusic as well. Still seems to be around, but I don't see it as being viable anymore the way things are going.

I remember subscribing to eMusic for some number of song downloads a month and downloading stuff from artists I'd never heard of to use up my downloads at the end of the month. All MP3s, still got them and still listen to them once in a while.

Definitely. I found so many unknown artists from their human-curated recommendations that you just won't find on the streaming services anymore. I rely on KEXP for new music now, which is great, but just kinda...slower I guess.

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Yep. Somehow actually paying independent artists is not a profitable business model. Someone needs to suck the blood out of them for the "system" to work...

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What do you want to bet the layoffs will stop once the union representation is gone and then they’ll slowly build back up over the next few years

When Rockstar Games is chewing you out about how you treat your employees you know you really screwed up.