Transfer files with QR codes using qrcp to Open – 93 points –
Transfer files with QR codes using qrcp  -

I've found syncthing to be easier once the initial setup has been done.

Syncthing is absolutely amazing. I set up my documents folder to sync to my phone and I've used it so many times recently because I'm in the middle of a move. I have it all portable - don't have to set up my desktop to send a file to someone.

I love Syncthing but that initial setup can be a pain. Sometimes you need something quick for a one-off transfer.

I was hoping this would fill that hole, but this still requires a decent amount of setup. Warpinator is still king in this case imo.

Now if the dev of SyncTrayzor could find and resolve the bug with its tooltips staying up in the top left of the screen I'll be set for life with syncing.

Ah, this is really more of using HTTP to transfer files. I do something similar with the default python web server module to transfer files in a pinch but this also implements the post/put part of the transfer with some nice buttons (instead of me straight up curl'ing the files to my desktop via the running http server).

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