Another costume rule to – 173 points –

Also not OC. I'm definitely not this good.


Is the image not loading for anyone else? Tried on Voyager app and Firefox on Windows

Edit: a day later, and the image loads for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

How does she go to the bathroom?

I have a technique. I let out only a little bit. I let it absorb, let it evaporate, start back at square one.

(gorgeous costume btw)

I’ve made a few costumes, and worn them them to a few cons. Looks like she could unbutton the shirt, undo the belt buckle and pants, and basically take the whole thing off down to the upper thighs. Like you would a jumpsuit with a front zipper.

Hopefully she at least has a hotel room nearby, because doing that in a public restroom could get harrowing lol

Probably not this costume, but many cosplayers end up wearing adult diapers when going to the toilet is going to be difficult.