Iran warns Hezbollah ready for Israel ground offensive to World – 41 points –
Iran warns Hezbollah ready for Israel ground offensive

Can we just skip over the slow bubbling WW3, get the nuking over with, and then invent the warp drive so we can all have our luxury space communism in the stars?

No fast forward button irl, sadly. Unless you find someway for humans to hibernate.

Even in star trek the human race nearly killed itself off with war and pollution then fought another war that nearly wiped them out and probably would have continued to do so if the Vulcans didn't pop in and disrupt the global heirarchy.

Well, there is but it takes a ton of energy, as one must accelerate quite a bit.

Or just stand next to something heavier than planet Earth like a black hole or your mom

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... How well did that go the last time they tried it?