You can't launch Modern Warfare 3 without first launching Modern Warfare 2 to – 74 points –
Worst fear confirmed: You can't launch Modern Warfare 3 without first launching Modern Warfare 2

Is this the cuckoo's egg strategy? Require the user to install your games and consume so much disk space that they have to choose between playing your game and somebody else's?

Nah, it's just cutting costs by reusing the same poorly optimized high quality bullshittery in all of their games.

Imagine freeing up 200GB to install military propaganda on your pc. Seriously Activision has former CIA execs in their exec suite.

Well, when someone else can make a shooter that scratches the same itch, I'll play something else.

I'm still pissed they can't even use an original name. I will never call this modern warfare 3.

Yo dawg

We heard you liked call of duty, so we made it so you have to start your old caller of duti before you can play your new phone of obligation, so you can play telephone of responsibility while you play anticipate of indirect tax