
Unmarketable to – 409 points –

Image transcription: A screenshot of a Tumblr post by smol-blue-bird. The post reads: "sometimes when I'm bored, I go through the list of recent bad faith Wikipedia edits that have since been reverted. a lot of them are politically contentious/offensive topics that attract crazies and trolls in general but sometimes there are completely innocent inoffensive articles that people attack for no reason. some guy yesterday vandalized the article on the chemical element francium". Below is an attached screenshot showing the markdown of the article, reading "Francium is a stupid element". End transcription.


after looking up some qualities of francium, i am inclined to agree with the vandal. Francium might be very bright, but it's not very bright, if you get me.

it is really funny when I'm browsing some wikipedia page and I see those types of vandalism (referring to the shitpost ones)

There are some really dumb ones like Americium and Tennessine that are just named after places. Like at least the confusing sounding elements like Copernicium honor people who made amazing scientific discoveries. Certain elements like Krypton sound strange because of pop culture, but actually have reasonable names. I feel like the ones named after places are just a missed opportunity. Berkelium takes the cake for being named after a place named after a person. Seriously, WTF?