Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake Is Dead - Insider Gaming to – 92 points –
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake Is Dead - Insider Gaming

The original holds up anyway, and I firmly believe they were gonna butcher it, so... is this a win?

Is the original worth a play? Amazon prime gaming has it for free this week. I just redeemed it.

Yeah, although you should install the unofficial patch and widescreen mod (if needed).

Other than that, it's still a very fun game and I do recommend it :)

Disappointing, but considering the initial people revealed to be working on the game, it would have been 100% butchered.

We've won, but at what cost?

At the cost of making people write their own successful stories, rather then riding on the popularity of an old franchise to sell it's brand.

Don't get me wrong, I would have absolutely played a KoToR with BG3 graphics.

But I would also settle for a new star wars story with BG3 graphics.

This makes me so sad that Aperion received the cease and desist. This game really deserves a fan-made resurrection. I never felt like any legitimate company would do it justice.

Starting to think you should keep your fan projects under wraps until you are essentially done.