Boys Being Boys Rule

Communist Capi ☭ 🇵🇸 🏳️‍🌈 to – 300 points –

I need some help here - does this mean trans boys have a lot of energy?

They're basically going through puberty when they're on HRT

So think of the energy levels of a teenage boy and you're basically spot on

The way my transmasc friend described it I basically went "Yeah that sounds about right: infinite energy, an infinite appetite, and a level of confidence that's suddenly staggering"

I'm not up with the lingo. Is a man that likes to date trans men called a chaser?

A chaser fetishize and go after trans people in the same way people fetishize asians, latinx, black people, ect.

It's not wrong to have a preference for trans people, it is wrong to reduce them to a sex object for your pleasure. That's what a chaser is.