So What Now? What's Going On In Reddit? to Ask – 9 points –

Now that the two day shutting down of many thousands of subreddits is over, what is happening now? How many are remaining closed? Are others just going back to normal? What is the prospects of any significant change happening now?

I've set my pihole to reject and I'm committed to using Lemmy, but I do miss the old Reddit.


You may not like my answer but here goes: Time will tell.

Those who have jumped ship indefinitely will build a community here in the Fediverse. Those who miss Reddit too much will return there and use the official app.

By staying you are building something new. It may not be Reddit, and it may never be Reddit. But there are still millions of users who are here to stay and will become a community.

I hope it will not become a "they" vs "us" thing. Both platforms can exist peacefully, the same way Facebook and Twitter coexist.

Perhaps a difference in content style or format will appear in time, which will make people choose one platform over the other. But that's not bad. Competition is healthy.

I'm staying, and I'm curious to see where Lemmy is going. All I can do is contribute to making it a place I want to hang out in.

Hate to be that person, but the lemmyverse has about 160k people as of this morning. If you include Mastodon it's millions, but they aren't likely to interact as much with lemmy users.

Seriously? Where do you get this number? I believe the admin said they had 100k users yesterday.

If they said that then it changes things. I'm going off this tracker

It could just be lagging behind whatever mentioned, things are moving so fast that a few hours can make a world of difference.

You're giving me some more hope.

I'm sure I have misremembered. No one's near the 100k number.

I think it's interesting that despite having less users than it has way more active users. Something to do with improved stability?

I saw the 100k number yesterday too being attributed to an instance but I think that was counting all users across all Lemmy instances not just or .world.

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Regardless of who stays and who goes back I fully expect we will see sharing of content with reddit here just like we saw content from Twitter and TikTok over there. I'm not worried in the slightest about "missing" something.

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The more time I spend on lemmy, the less I'm missing reddit.

Lemmy feels fresher, more positive, and faster. It's a bit rough around the edges, but things will only improve, and there seems to be a large number of people willing to get involved and help out.

Even if the current blackout amounted to nothing, at least Lemmy has had a boost in users and engagement. Lemmy and the fediverse will learn lessons, improve, and fix bugs, and will be here for the next time reddit fucks up, and gain even more users.

I think I'll be staying regardless, reddit has been pissing me off for the last couple of years. It was mainly the lack of a viable alternative that kept me there.

Sp*z has fucked up badly this time. And he will continue to fuck up.

Exactly, the reddit addiction is hard to break but lemmy slides right into that craving nicely.

And this is just the beginning.

Read an interesting idea today. Let subs become unmoderated free for all so chaos would reign. Not gonna lie, I'd like to see what it would become hahaha.

AnarchyChess considered very seriously doing exactly that

I've read this on reddit. I think they, reddit leaders, keep digging that hole deeper and deeper.

It looks like this was one moderator deciding to join the blackout when the other mods did not agree.

man it sucks when greedy people ruin something good

I do not regret deleting my accounts. I'll miss some communities for a while, but I'm sure Lemmy will grow and fill that void.

The protests need to keep going. Apparently spez thinks everyone is gonna come back today.

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I mean I’m trying to stop using Reddit in general because it pisses me off, but IMO the individual users protesting is unlikely to change anything. The real test will be how many mods stay and continue to work well once the change goes into effect.

I think the real litmus will be on July 1, when all the 3pa shut down for good. That's when it'll be apparent who is willing to put up with Reddit, and who won't.

Also fuck the greedy little pigboy, spez.

I'm still using Boost until that app dies at least. It seems as though some of the protesting subs are coming back, some are doubling down. Every non-participating sub seems to be doing fine, although the upvote and comment numbers do seem lower than usual. The result is still kinda up in the air it seems.

Nothing really. Reddit will go on as usual with a bit less users and more ad revenue.

You can use to check which subs are still private. This morning it has been showing live notifications as many go public again. There are still some subs that are set to private or restricted.

Good to see my two home subs of r/Fantasy and r/SquaredCircle still private.