The Tetris manual had names for the blocks to – 66 points –

The long one was called Hero. Ain't that the truth.


Fairly certain this was proven to be fake

It seems odd that a Russian would name blocks after US states.

Feel like if it were real it would’ve been included in the recent Tetris movie? Too bizarre to have been skipped and fits with the theme of the movie.

This is fake. They do have names, but they are: L, J, Z, S, I, T, and O.

What, no they're ⅂, ᒋ, Z, S, I, T, and O.

Y'know what, I've always called them LJZSITO, and I can find plenty of sources to support that, but I can't find an authoritative source for it. I feel like I'm about to go down a research rabbithole…

Not sure whether I'm more tickled by the fact that the pieces had names or that you looked at the manual :)