Is Texas Pete from Superted an accurate representation of the average Texan?

CashewNut 🏴󠁢󠁥󠁧󠁿 to Ask – 16 points –

The average person from Houston is much different from the average person in El Paso. I'm from Texas and I'm a vegetarian that hates guns.

Go vegan.

No, I'm a vegetarian because I find animals disgusting.

The animals we create are morally equivalent to our own children and are owed the same unconditional love and protection. The experiences of animals are real and matter. Their suffering is identical in nature to your own. It harms us when we take pleasure in cruelty and violence.

Had to look it up, but no lol Texas is so large that we have "cowboys" just as much as we have the hipsters in Austin and the Wall Street types in Dallas.

Super Ted! My wife and I loved that when each of us were little. It's one of those things that we've found that most people here in the States don't know about but we have in common.