be unreasonable to Lefty – 426 points –

Makes sense. Publishers are corporations that thrive in capitalism. Racially divisive material sells and doesn't threaten their profits. Material that threatens the system that enables their profits threatens them.

I'd be more wary of a corporation that was gung ho on publishing anti capitalist material and I would look to see if they were finding a way to sabotage them movement through it.

Racially divisive material sells and doesn't threaten their profits.

It helps their profits and keeps people divided, benefiting the wealthy overall.

Good quote, but not a meme...

you can find the sister community for non-meme posts in the sidebar. please post content like this over there from now on, thx

Here is a link anyway: c/Socialism

I would rather people were pro-creation-of-something, rather than destroy something that works, even if poorly, without really suggesting the alternative.

I'd say how humans have lived for tens of thousands of years before the last ~2 centuries, minus obviously kings and priests. I think it's historically proved that it works, literally for millenia on after the other

One of the things you learn in anthro is how many different societal structures have existed "successfully" in human history. Successfully is obviously relative as I don't think anyone today could even imagine life before... the 1900s probably. "People in the past aren't just us in different clothes" after all.

I introduced kings and priests, my bad. i didn't want it to have a political turn.

I meant: the "economics" have been almost the same for millennia one after the other, so we could use that "model". minus K&P means we should try to limit as much as possible human leeches, be it because they're born in a particular family or they have a special relation with a super powerful dude - that never shows up, though.

then, about all of the "intricacies" of cultures, what's successful or not, etc. : I do obviously agree. but we're in such a moment where we can sum up a lot of human experience, because we have available the most complete library of all times. we also made huge progress in psychology, freeing ourselves from magical thinking. I think it's reasonable thinking about overthrowing kings musk, bezos, potus, president of China, you name it. in the most peaceful way possible. we should destroy AI before it's too late though: there are already AI contents that cannot be distinguished from reality. imagine a government producing AI videos to show how barbaric and violent is the enemy of that very same government.

many things are simplified, but I think, having on open mind whom is reading this, that I've explained my point. mobile it's destructive when it comes to write a lot.

thank you

Kings and priests go back at least 6000 years. There is no point in Western history without dramatic power and wealth disparity. The same goes for most Eastern history. Any cultures without those structures were crushed by cultures with those structures.

got it: we definitely should never ever make use of our experience. like, never.

While they live incredibly hard lives, there are cultural structures which have somehow survived longer than "civilization." I wouldn't want to live in those societies, but their longevity through isolation does break the paradigm of capitalist realism. Those societies don't necessarily have concepts of wealth either.