Lyrics rule to – 133 points –

A neat thing about this song is that the verse ends on the same chord that the chorus starts on and the verse starts on the same chord that the chorus ends on.

I don't think that's true? The song is all power chords. Verse goes C5/F5/C5/A5 and the chorus is just C5/A5. So the verse doesn't end on the same chord the chorus starts on (C5 vs A5), and the verse doesn't start on the same chord the chorus ends on (A5 vs C5). It would be true to say the chorus and verse start and end on the same chords.

No the chorus is A C

The verse goes /: C F / C A. :/ (x3) The chorus goes /: A C :/ (x7 or 8)

When switching from verse to chorus, and vice versa, the same chord is repeated.

The trickery is to not change chords at a point where a change is expected. When I play it I basically have to mentally make a change from A to A, just to avoid my hands doing something else by muscle memory.