Mike Johnson made his 13-year-old daughter promise him that she wouldn’t have sex

Five@slrpnk.net to Politics@beehaw.org – 63 points –
Mike Johnson made his 13-year-old daughter promise him that she wouldn’t have sex

Lord knows preacher’s daughters have always kept that promise. Good luck with that.

Yeah and at the same time they don't allow them to get sex ed so they have no idea what they're getting into..

Conditional love. Her value decreases when she's "unspoiled". That is to say, if she experiences natural, normal human experiences.

These dudes are gross.

Mike Johnson is doing creepy, but very unfortunately mainstream weird patriarchal purity parenting in public and I hope it highlights the fact that among a pretty large segment of the population, this is seen as acceptable and goes unchallenged.

The headline was the tip of the iceberg. What a fascinating article. Jumps from homosexuality is "unnatural" to it somehow eroding the foundations of our democracy!

Favorite unhinged quote:

Homosexual relationships are inherently unnatural… ultimately harmful and costly for everyone.

I want "ultimately harmful and costly for everyone" on a t-shirt.

This is pretty mild. Weird as hell, sure, but not even top 10 of things about Johnson to be weirded out about.

This is child sex abuse full stop.

Abuse, yes… sexual abuse, no. Psychological abuse is a better fit for this.

One could call it "grooming."

it literally is, and a common and socially acceptible kind at that. why do we tolerate this?

What’s the solution to the problem?

destroy religion

How do you plan on destroying religion?

Yeah while I think religion is bad for society because it's been used as a cause for war, intolerance and hate throughout the centuries, destroying it isn't the answer. Some people just have the ingrained wish to obey a higher being and are willing to go to great lengths to make one up. Then people start forming rulesets around it in their favour to gain power, writing holy books etc.

Trying to destroy religion only hides it and makes it harder and more extremist. You can see this in for example the soviet union that repressed religion and turned into a LGBT-hating bastion of orthodoxism after it collapsed.

I think enforcing a baseline (LGBT rights as foundational human rights) and a clear split between state and religion is the only way, and from there try to mellow it down as much as possible.

I've been wondering why most religions are so hard anti-LGBT by the way. I think it's because of evolution: Successful religions create a lot of offspring through indoctrination. The Catholics for example make having babies almost a holy goal. And LGBT couples were not able to conceive until recently.