Nintendo starts shutting down online play for Wii U and 3DS, months ahead of schedule to – 85 points –
Nintendo starts shutting down online play for Wii U and 3DS, months ahead of schedule

That article is a bit out of date and wasn't really true anyway. The people who are creating Pretendo, who wrote the blog post this article is based on, did an update on the situation, specifically calling out the media for their sloppy articles:

With that said, some outlets did a less than stellar job at reporting our last post, not covering some topics fully or accurately.

TL;DR: Many of the issues have already been fixed, even going so far as there are now entirely new servers in place to act as a proxy for Amazons servers to work around some security related incompatibility issues.

Thank you for clarifying- still want to get back in for some Splatoon 1 before the end

Nintendo being Nintendo, I guess. For such a gamer centric comany, they sure are anti consumer.

A far cry from how they used to be. I get that the market is completely different now, but for example: Nintendo of old still offered support for the NES, a console that came out in 1983-1985 depending on country, until 2004.

Don't buy from Nintendo

Don't buy digital from Nintendo

It's becoming increasingly difficult to not buy digital, given their push towards their fragmented stores.

They deserve to be sued for anti-consumer behavior for stratifying their stores the way they do.

Ah. This probably explains confusion about error messages for online play in the yuzu cemu subreddit.